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How to choose high-quality non-standard doors?
2021-03-10 09:54:39

In recent years, non-standard doors have risen rapidly in the market, and more and more people have chosen non-standard doors produced by non-standard door manufacturers. But what are the things to pay attention to when buying non-standard doors? Do you know the price of non-standard doors: Let's take a look at the "three attentions" when buying non-standard doors.

Non-standard doors are not a kind of door, but a general name for doors, that is, doors whose sizes are outside the standard range are collectively called non-standard doors. There is no uniform material, and any design pattern can be used, which brings a lot of people. Autonomous choice.

1. See if there is an inspection certificate

To buy a non-standard door, you must check whether the door has an inspection certificate, whether it is produced by a non-standard door manufacturer, and check whether various chemicals, such as formaldehyde, etc., exceed the standard. At the same time, see the production of this door. The materials and the appraisal results of relevant departments provide great help for consumers to choose the appropriate products.

2. More contrast

When consumers buy non-standard doors, they may wish to find several merchants for comparison. Even if you don’t know much about non-standard doors, you will know which non-standard door you should choose and which one. This kind of non-standard door price is beautiful and cheap.

3. Check the quality and craftsmanship of non-standard doors

Check the quality of the non-standard door, including the welding process, whether there is any missing welding, miswelding, etc., to see if there are any scratches on the surface, whether there are dents, if necessary, you can tear off the package to get a comprehensive an examination.